They are building what the title says that will cost billions and billions and billions....., they are saying you are with us or against us. Murder by proxy or not, that's organised crime.
On Album: 'Ain't That Good News', Banned for years due to depressing and civil rights theme but it is one of the best songs by one of the best voices in the world i think, so a travesty like the system that tries to deny our rights on a daily basis directly or indirectly, I am always humbled and inspired by this song, it keeps me strong. His Record Label, order here etc and others
ones a better video
ones a better version,(just listen to opening cords when he sings.)
They decommission navy ships who are set up for killing made from the steel of the earth and the sweat of the people to the bottom of the sea so they can make money off it: slavery.
why not take it apart: 'cause it costs to much money', to give back to the people who can use the resource of metal for other goods and not open another mine: 'but we won't make any money.'
did you get paid? it's your tax, you pay for the navy by proxy and the earth is in a crisis of ecological suffocation, they are treating you as fools baaaa.
This is how the news worked then and how the news works now, Spin is a sprinkling of truth and whole lotta lies, when things change people will always take their frustration out on organisations who they see as in coercian with their oppressors such as peasants under oligarchy, communists were not seen as the enemy and even Russia was seen as an ally at the time but the republican army was obstensibly anarchist by nature, the raised fist is not only communist and denote's solidarity and strength through the ages and you will notice the black flag during the march to denote equality(which other organisations have used, representing the same meaning, even Johnny Cash.) If anything anarchist's have learnt from the past and how to manouvre and in the scheme of things it wasn' t 'that' long ago. Communists under Stalin rule shot half the republican army and left the country to the facists which the international community ignored until the 70's when Franco died. Freedom Will Reign!
This is more accurate: 1+2 Gueneca by Picasso is based on a village in Spain during this time which faced an unwarranted attack by facists just because they could, it now hangs at the UN which the Americans and their allies covered up as though it could talk when they announced the current Iraq War, without a peep out of any other nation 'state,' collusion, too much money involved, they are not democratic. Thats why this war will never be forgotten and it's aim will live on in the hearts of all free people around the world.
This guys quite good too:
Noam Chomsky Interview At Berkeley University
Murray Bookchin 2004 I agree but I believe we will have to take it and that we will have to more liberal than we ever thought, put yourself in their shoes philosiphy with a basic sense of survival, this is the time.
it's very hard to stop consumption but it's very easy to curb it and then maybe stop it, much more will be done though too stop it but do your part.
Have ypu seen the cadbury ad's, gorilla's are almost instinct in poor old africa as it were where these companies don't play fair, i'm not about banning i'm about fair practice and to help humans, the eartn and all animals, it has to stop and it will!
they are raping the earth for developmant as aghamisatnis talk about their country being raped(ie: nobody does anything while ignoring heinous crimes they know happen), so how bout sustainability and progress.
People in NZ say that we're not as bad as overseas, well i've lain in gutters for ages and everybody just walks past thinking your drunk or crazy(and the mental health system can't cope), the only people that have helped me has been homies, apparently the scourge of society because they have have been disadvantaged by the system too and have experience with whanau and i'm mostly pakeha, grew up that way but understand to a degree and hate reverse racists too and they do exist and (believe me I don't trust almost anyone) as such because of their conditioning
In a country with 4 and a change million people, it shows what a system will do to condition people and find someone to enslave, ya only have ta look at kiwisaver for that, roads or free money or both, as the saying goes, nothings free which includes your real freedom!
people say the govt isn't out to get us but i will not be given opportunity while they enslave others as they enslave us all, germans said the same thing about the third reich cause they were scared, to do nothing is to deafault.
and that includes voting or taking money while theres poverty all over and it's all connected, they call it globilisation, i call it corruption.
Send all recordings, demos and punk, garage, hardcore, weird shite mp3s to for playlisting 24 hours and playing on the show.
The PUNK GR SHOW! WED'S 5-7pm 88.5 MUNT FM, we be getting bigger again but still non commercial. Stream check it yo!
Can send cd's and 7", 45's by snail mail to Munt FM and note C/O The Punk Show!, better be good too or I won't play it, just joshin, we play everything at least once and don't be shy cause I wanna put ya best foot forward and ya gotta start somewhere yea, I ain't no snob, from the mr sterile assembly, damaged, punchbowl, r'n'r to conniption, ya get it.
and this is going out to the world!!! so get busy punk! shitty recordings welcome but do try as alotta get through but I try too, kiwi stuff given precedence. keep it real! Cool
I'm thinkin of starting a mini label/recording/distro too so keep ya ear out ya!!! for the music or destroy!
***If anyones interested in sponsoring this show as well, $20 NZ a week, muchas gracias, Ad made, special mention on show, relationship with station and events and can talk to whomever about this in regards to details, thankyou very much.
Welcome, news, reviews, politics, music and someone whos' fulla shit, come one come all for the magikal mystery punk etcetra blog called Future Shock!!!!